Research & Knowledge
Locally Led publishes, facilitates, and co-creates research, briefings, and reporting on the issues, lived experiences, and causes most important to those we support.
Next up in 2025.
Since 2021, we’ve been listening and learning from organizers, advocates, and leaders of community-based organizations in the Middle East, North Africa, and North America on kinds of relationships, physical spaces, support networks, and approaches to ‘care’ is needed to empower them to support, accompany, and advocate for the communities they stand in solidarity with.
What we’ve learned has informed our first set of partnerships, directly informed our 2025-2026 programming, influenced the makeup of our Advisory Collective, and deeply impacted our philosophical approach to relationship building.
This insight has also provided Locally Led and our growing collective network with a unique positionality that will allow us to directly support, platform, and accompany perspective, voice, research, and knowledge-building being produced by those we work in solidarity with.